Transfers and refunds

No refunds are available for existing memberships, however, you are able to transfer your membership to someone else. Memberships must be transferred in whole with all attached rights and benefits conferred to the new member at the time of transfer. 

In order to process a membership transfer, the original member must email the registration team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from the email address connected to the old membership. Request the transfer and identify the new member, including the new member's email address.

The new member should then navigate to and sign up for a membership taking care to select “Offline” under “Payment Method” and noting the old member’s registration email address under “Comments regarding registration.” 

Please note that the new member must register at the same membership level being sold by the original member; i.e. if the old membership is at the Supporting level, the new membership must be as well. In such a case, the new member is always able to upgrade to Full Attending after the registration has been processed using the upgrading procedure outlined above.